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The Power to Choose

This post by Self-Love & Sexuality Coach, Arielle Dangelo, really resonates with me because, for a long time, I struggled with being angry at life... Mad at my mind that it was troubled and mad at the world that it did nothing to help me. It was many years before I realized that I needed to be honest with myself, humble myself - and seek help and support - in order to gain control of my life. Also, that I needed to join the mental health community and be available to support others. I faced each morning with sorrow and hopelessness and down-right rage for many many years. But Arielle says it right: choosing love means choosing freedom. And that includes loving myself... scars, hurts, illnesses, struggles, and all. Once I chose acceptance and love, I was ready to grow.

I hope her post speaks to you as much as it speaks to me. Read up!


There were many times where I wanted to give up. Trying to be the best person, daughter, sister, friend, student, felt exhausting. It felt like everything was going wrong, and everything was wrong with me. I had no idea why I was here and why bad things always felt like they were happening "to" me. These moments of darkness were scary and disorienting.

But it was in one of my lowest moments that I realized I had a choice.

I had the power to choose if I was going to continue playing the victim, allowing life to happen to me, or if I was going to stand up and take control. I realized that no matter what is going on in my life, I can choose to live with love or live with anger.

It's not always easy to choose love, actually sometimes it can be incredibly difficult. But once you choose love, you choose freedom. If you're going through something difficult, let this be your sign to release the anger and heal yourself with love. You deserve it. Sometimes this journey that we're on doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I promise you that we are always growing because of it. Try to find the silver lining and the light that lays beyond the darkness, and know that I am sending you a whole lot of love and light.

Want to follow Arielle on Instagram? check her out @arielledangelo

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