The Winter Ahead
Is living in fear of COVID the new normal? Are we ever going to return to a less anxious state of mind? Is fall/winter going to bring a...
New Mourning
It’s strange how change - even good change - can sometimes make the heart heavy. I’m saying good bye to an apartment and with it, the...
The Smallest of Actions
I washed by hair yesterday. Now, some of you who just read that sentence have your brow furrowed in confusion, thinking “So what?” But...
Have a Heart - Wear a Mask
It makes me sad that I have to say this but wearing a mask isn’t political, it’s simply an act of empathy. It’s not about you - about...
Travel in the age of COVID-19
I have been in a massive debate for months because of COVID-19 about whether or not I should take my trip out to the west coast to see my...
It’s the Fourth of July, and with the state of the USA right now (Covid-19 quarantine, Black Lives Matter Protests, political unrest,...
The Message of BLM
The Black Lives Matter movement is an ongoing, dedicated, heart-felt, powerful call to humanity to do the right thing. To treat the Black...
Mental Health Check
So this is less of a blog post and more of a check-in. I feel that, with the country starting in on its reopening, anxiety and overall...