When There Are Nine
As much as I try to avoid making political posts, the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is something I must comment on. RBG was my one and...
Wanderlust at Home
What makes you fall in love with a city? With a house? With a neighborhood? What’s the difference - key differences - between simply...
Changing Times
Well, happy August. The year is now officially more than half over. But, boy oh boy, does it feel like 2020 has been going on for so much...
It’s the Fourth of July, and with the state of the USA right now (Covid-19 quarantine, Black Lives Matter Protests, political unrest,...
The Message of BLM
The Black Lives Matter movement is an ongoing, dedicated, heart-felt, powerful call to humanity to do the right thing. To treat the Black...
Women's History Month
In honor of Women’s History Month I would like to say Thank You to all my female readers and followers. I want to express gratitude for...
All in Good Time
In classic Ruby fashion, I gave myself terrible anxiety upon starting my research on traveling Europe. I've traveled a lot before......