Ruby Fitzgerald

The 'Descendants of War' series is a way for you to peak into my mind, see the alternate reality and vivid world I imagine… see the landscapes I’ve created. Learn to love the characters I've written into life. The series will captivate you with magic, emotion, and suspense. You won't want to leave the wonders of the Temperate Lands... nor stop exploring the chaos of the watery Lands Beneath.
Lush, tropical forests with colorful wildlife, Ancient rituals, and mountains draped with waterfalls - that's Kailani.
Icy shores of endless frigid waters, snow storms and glaciers, and rocks hung with icicles - that's the Snow Lands.
Rolling hills laden with crops and livestock, a glistening castle, and grassy knolls speckled with streams and ponds - that's Thurnadan.
Rugged cliffs of barren rocks, dense forests of prickly trees, plateaus of savanna leading to a crumbling castle - that's Sharnin
My characters can turn on a dime, forgive the unforgivable, and face dire consequences for trivial actions. Their existence is volatile - just like ours. And their world is complex - just like ours.
Think of this series as a set of paintings. Each detail, each brushstroke, is meant to invoke feelings, pull an image into the mind, and be contemplated and discussed. It is the merging of epic fantasy and self reflection, and I am ever-so-proud to share it.
"They [Fitzgerald and Coates] decided to take the leap, publishing "Harmonies of War" worldwide both as a hard copy and on Amazon Kindle. Fans have reacted positively..."
-Ariel Cheung, DNAinfo Chicago

"The world building was beautiful. I could really imagine myself there with the characters as I read. Ruby did a great job at making you care for the characters. I loved getting to watch Aurora grow. The ending was unexpected and totally blew my mind."
- Autumn @cozycoffeepages
on 'Descendants of War: Iron Vengeance'